2022 NASH Scholarship Winner
AMCofH is beyond excited to announce that our student, Elena Pollard, has won the 2022 NASH Elizabeth Bonfig Scholarship. Every year, NASH selects one person who “demonstrates passion, service and commitment to the profession of homeopathy” and this year they selected Elena! Elena is a Research Coordinator and Psychometrist at Arizona State University where she […]
NEW! 45-Hour Acute Care Course
The American Medical College of Homeopathy (AMCofH) is excited to announce its NEW 45-Hour Acute Care course! AMCofH has partnered with Dr. Maryann Ivons to bring its students a comprehensive and detailed Acute Care course that teaches students how to identify acute conditions and find an acute remedy to help treat the condition. Acute care […]
How Homeopathy Can Alleviate Anxiety
Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. The Father of Homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered this while finding ways to treat people outside of conventional medicine. As a physician, he realized that it was possible to trigger the body’s natural defenses by introducing small, diluted nanoparticle amounts of elements […]
Homeopathic Remedies for Sunstroke
Arizona summers are extremely hot which can lead to heat and sunstroke. Make sure you drink plenty of water and take as many precautions as possible. The most important characteristic of sunstroke is the high body temperature which is caused by a disturbance in the heat-regulating mechanism. The person can no longer sweat, and this […]
Father of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that was developed over 200 years ago by its founder, Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann was born on April 10, 1755, in Germany. He was raised during the “Enlightenment” movement and was encouraged to question everything. Hahnemann’s thirst for knowledge led him to become a Physician in 1779. While he […]
Worked Hard But Played Too Hard?
A night out drinking with friends can be a relief from the stress of working, and all the bills you need to pay, but have you ever taken it too far? Waking up with a hangover can make you question why you even drank in the first place. If you have ever said “I’m never […]
Homeopathy for Allergy Relief
It is that time of year again where everyone’s allergies are acting up. If you are looking for allergy relief try Homeopathy! Below are some remedies that can help with different types of allergies. To ensure that you find the right remedy for you, consider booking an acute care consultation by calling 602-274-1885 or by […]
Homeopathy for Your Heart
Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is a great time to think of the ones you love AND check in on your own heart’s health! 1 in 4 Americans die from heart disease, making it the number one killer in the United States. Taking care of your physical heart as well as your emotional […]